How to start and use Fortador Volt Electra

Service Manuals

Starting up Fortador Volt Electra | Manual for Volt Electra

How to start and use Fortador Volt Electra

Starting up Fortador Volt Electra | Manual for Volt Electra

When It's Needed

Watch all videos and download, read manuals before start the unit first time.

Use only Tap water with your Fortador Volt Electra Steam Cleaner with Vacuum


  1. Watch QuickStart video
  1. Watch video how to use Touchscreen
  1. Check socket voltage before plugging your steamer
drain boiler each day
  1. Drain boiler every day after last job.
  2. Download Manual using this LINK
  3. Download and print this QuickStart Guide (1 page)
  4. Check our Blog section for more information
  5. For support, please, use WhatsApp messenger

Check Demo Video